An ADL exclusive and we only have 10 pairs! These custom made American Downhiller race poles are only available in limited supply from the ADL shop. Made in Italy specifically for the AD crew these 7075 Aluminum poles can be cut in any desired length and fitted with either speed baskets, SL/GS Alpine Racing baskets or even Pow baskets.
Pre Purchase your poles here and meet us at the Cascade Ski Club Parking Lot - Right behind Fuxis Tents
Friday July 16 3:00PM - 6:00PM
Government Camp, OR
The special aluminum is highly desired for speed racers who want a custom bent pole for their exact body position and size. The non-brittle material wont crack under the pressure.
If you are going to Government Camp this summer you can take the poles to Mark "Speedy" Archer and he will bend them for you to your specs in either DH/SG or GS for $25.00 and a bottle of Rogue Dead Guy Ale or two :)
You can pick a size and basket style below and email us if you would like a custom length not listed below.
Grips are available in yellow or black.
Alu 7075 Ø18 mm
Size 110-140 cm
Racing rubber grip Black or Yellow
Velcro strap
E-basket + steel tip
Basket B-racing Speed 40 mm
50 mm Race Basket Optional
100mm Freeride Basket Optional
These poles are an instant classic and will be a great conversation starter on the mountain.
We want to thank Marco Sullivan for allocating a batch for the club! Once they are gone that's it forever.