If there is one bag ADL travelers need it's the Kayda. When you're traveling across the globe to ski you want to keep your boots and other valuable with you. Never check your boots and with the Kayda you wont have to. Unlike other carry-on boot bags the Kayda has functional pockets for other gear and waist straps to support the load. It's our go to bag for all future trips!
Elevate your travel experience. Designed with elite outdoor sport in mind, but versatile enough to take you anywhere. The Käydä is perfect for weekend warriors, short getaways and traveling the world by car, rail or airline carry-on.
The Travel Backpack offers plenty of purpose designed pockets - an external helmet/jacket sling, zip-out liner for separating well-traveled footwear from clean apparel, pass-through luggage straps, and magnetic water bottle holder.
The Travel System smartly separates into two units — the 40L Travel Backpack and the 5L Travel Kit, which organizes small essentials — a tablet, backup battery, book, cords, snacks, keys and pens. The Travel Kit works perfectly attached or by itself as a cross-body for quick commutes.
- Ergonomic Back Panel Carry Design
- Breathable Contoured Shoulder Strap System
- Adaptable / Detachable Waist Belt
- Main Compartment with 1" Expansion Panel, Removable Super Coated Lining & Closable Ventilation Flap
- Dual Entrance Front Apparel Pocket
- Interior Transparent Toiletries Pockets
- Exterior Side Item Pocket
- Laptop Protection Pocket
- Passport Security Pocket
- Scratchproof Lens Pocket
- Magnetic Side Water Bottle Pocket
- Retractable Latticework Helmet / Jacket Sling
- Luggage Pass Through Straps
- Dual Side Carry Handles
- Detachable Travel Kit with Cross-body Sling Strap
- YKK Aquaguard™ zippers
- Hypalon Extended Zipper Pulls
Käydä Infinite Travel System | Travel Backpack | Travel Kit |
New 15" MackBook Pro | ★ | |
15" Mac & PC Laptops | ★ | |
15" Apple MacBook Air | ★ | |
11" Apple MacBook Air | ★ | |
iPad, iPad mini, & iPad Air | ★ | |
Various Tablets & Readers | ★ |
- Volume: Backpack - 40L / Travel Kit - 5L
- Dimensions: Backpack - 20"H x 14"W x 8.5"L / Travel Kit - 2.5"H x 12"W x 8.5"L
- Footwear: Ski boots up to Mondo 31 & Shoes (Men's 13 US / Women’s 15 US), subject to footwear design and style.
- Materials: Durable, waterproof 900D polyester and 1680D ballistic nylon.
- Manufactured: Vietnam